‘Bounce Down!’ will be an exhibition celebrating the 100th anniversary of the first women's football competition played in Australia, in 1915. The aim of the exhibition is to bring exposure to the fastest-growing football sector in Australia, while also highlighting little-known aspects of the social and cultural history of Western Australia.
The walk-through historical exhibition will feature photography, video footage and other memorabilia, such as a replica of the original uniform and including information held in the JS Battye Library of West Australiana.
Now the time has come where the committee is looking to find out what memorabilia exists, and what can be borrowed. ‘Bounce Down!’ is looking for EVERYTHING that has had a place in female football in WA in the past 100 years - don’t just think photos or guernseys.
You might have videos, tape recorded interviews, a copy of early training drills, fixtures, posters or programs relating to carnivals or grand finals, tickets, footy boots with a lot of character, footballs that were somehow unique or unusual, copies of newspaper ads or noticeboard flyers to recruit players, a copy of early match rules, draft constitution for your club/league, club songs, medals, trophies, shields, premiership pennants, scarves, beanies or other uniform items for your team/club/league/State. Or anything else that helps us tell the story.
Once the ‘Bounce Down!’ committee have an idea of who owns what, they’ll ask to see items as required. Please do not list anything which you are not prepared to provide for the exhibition. Bounce Down! respect that people may have precious items that they don’t want to share; just don’t tease us by telling them.
Please find the form attached for anything you may be willing to lend.
For more information or to discuss what you have, contact : Debbie Ashley – dashley006@hotmail.com; Lynette Smith - smitty868@bigpond.com; or Brunette Lenkic – blenkic@bigpond.net.au
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